Post Formatting

We'd like to invite creativity, reflection, and experimentation with your blog contributions but we also want some continuity.

(cake and eat it too)

When creating a post about an Agency project, please cover these general areas. You may adhere strictly to this format or you may take some creative-license as well. This is but a guide.

Client (who):  One or two sentences.  Who did you work with/for?  Describe the organization (not the individuals) and generally - what did the organization want, need, expect?

Overview (what/when):   One paragraph.  Like the excerpt (above) but with more detail.  What do they want you to do, create, or solve?  What is the primary challenge or problem to be solved?   What is the timeline for getting it done?  

Process:  Multi-paragraph narrative of what happened or is-happening.   Tell the story.  What did you do, how did you do it, how did it go, what were your challenges, what were your solutions. .   Include work samples, media, and/or links if possible.  

Outcome:  One or two paragraphs.  How does the story end?  What did you make?  Was the client satisfied? Links, media, samples encouraged.  

Reflection:  Your take on how this went/is going.  Lessons learned? What would you do differently next-time?  What are your key take-aways and lessons learned?

Meta Data

In the upper right corner of the Ghost editor is an icon that will open a side menu of Page Settings. Use this to add Tags and an Excerpt for your post.

The Page Settings icon can be accessed in the upper right corner of the Ghost editor.

Excerpt: One or two sentences that describes the project in a nutshell.  Very high level, no details. 

Page Access: Determines if your post will be public or private (just the Agency).

Tags (tools): one or two keywords of any tools, technologies, or platforms you used. e.g. Canvas, Storyline, Photoshop, etc.

Tags (work-type): one or two keywords of the work done. e.g. Curriculum Development, Course Building, Training, Project Management, etc.

Tags (pedagogy): one or two keywords of any theories, concepts, or effective practices that connecty. e.g. Hard Fun, Agile, Connectivism, Project Based Learning, etc.  

Feature Image

Every post has an image to compliment it. This image appears at the top of the post above the header and is a thumbnail on the front of the blog. You may upload an image or add one directly from Unsplash.

Adding a Feature Image