Invitation: Ed3 Summit | Digital Storytelling

Work as a field reporter on behalf of the Learning Agency. Attend this virtual conference, gather insight, information, and news-worthy bits relative to Learning Design & Technology.

Invitation: Ed3 Summit | Digital Storytelling
Photo by Jorge Maya / Unsplash

Work as a field reporter on behalf of the Learning Agency. Attend this virtual conference, gather insight, information, and news-worthy bits relative to Learning Design & Technology.

Report back to the Agency with a digital story published in the FieldNotes blog.

  • Registration will be paid.
  • You must attend at least 5 sessions across 2 days - and report back on each.
  • You may claim 5 paid hours in your work-log for the conference.
  • You must produce a digital story on your experience, biggest take-away, deepest reflection, or something - and publish it here in FieldNotes.
  • You may claim 2 paid hours in your work-log for the digital story.
  • By digital story, we mean a media-rich, innovative, interactive experience for the audience. An un-essay such as a vlog, podcast, or other non-text based media.


Review the conference web site and ensure you can commit to the dates and the topics.

Email us at and confirm your time commitment and interest. Write a few paragraphs...
- As an LDT student, what topics interest you, and why.
- As a field reporter, pitch us one or more digital story ideas. What stories might you tell and how might you tell them?

We will select the most compelling pitch by April 10th and send you into the Ed3 Summit to explore on our behalf.

  • Send us your email of interest by March 30th.
  • Field Reporter(s) selected/registered by April 10th.
  • Ed3 Summit is April 19-21st.
  • Post your digital story by May 1st.